India’s leading cosmetic and plastic surgeon, Dr Debraj Shome, has added another feather to his cap by conducting rhinoplasty surgeries on two distinct facial physiognomies – one a top Hollywood actor and the other a top South Indian actress – on the same day.
The two procedures involved more than a simple nose job – it dealt with a profession where faces form the foundation of the individual’s success or failure in their careers. Each surgery required two different approaches and plans. One dealt with a 6 ft. 2 inch Caucasian man that required a procedure that would give him the international look needed for Hollywood. The other dealt with a petite 5 ft 3 inch woman with delicate Dravidian features who needed a nose job that will help her gain more adulation and film offers. The fact that they put their trust in the hands of Dr Shome goes to show how much the celebrated doctor has achieved within a short span of time.
The surgeries performed by the doctor not only made the noses more refined but also made them structurally stronger, helping the patients to breathe better. Dr Shome and his team ensured that each procedure was a success right from the preparation stage. Speaking about the event, Dr Shome said, “Life changing event, a nose job. Needs attention to detail and a meticulous thought process!” He added that the attention to detail and meticulous thought process that went into the preparation was as much responsible for the success of both jobs as the skills shown on the operating table by the surgical team. He mentioned this in a note to the team where he applauded their work, stating, “Thanks to the surgical team – Great job, guys!”