All About Facial Implants
Facial implants are materials designed to reconstruct or augment the facial contours of a person. With the advent of plastic surgery options, facial implants vary in sizes and styles that can suit and augment a person’s face. It can be used for simple augmentation of the chin, the nose, the cheek bones and the jaw, giving features that make the face more attractive and classy. A facial implant is usually performed to enhance certain features of the face. It is a surgery performed to alter the undesirable features of a face, by implanting them in certain areas that are important for determining the shape of a face.
It is usually a simple outpatient procedure that can be easily performed in a surgeon’s office, surgical centre or a simple operative area. Using a mild oral sedative or a local anaesthesia, a patient’s facial implants can be put into place. For extreme cases, a general anaesthetic is used.
Why Facial implants?
Facial implants are used to change or alter certain features and improve the contours of the face. They are used to improve the proportion of the face (so it looks better than before) or correct an imbalance. A facial plastic surgeon can greatly, visibly change facial contours by the use of implants strategically placed in cheek, chin and jaw.
The facial implant surgery is an enhancement surgery that can be elective or mandatory based on the circumstances. Where there is a hereditary feature a patient wishes to change or if there is some need to make the chin, cheek or jaw rounder, fuller and more attractive looking, facial implants can be opted for. But in certain cases, as a post operative measure (for injuries and other circumstances that may have forcibly altered the shape of the face) the facial implant enhancement surgery is important and even more necessary.
The types of facial implants
The lower jaw implant – a weak jaw, much like a weak chin, can be seen as a primary reason for facial structure imbalance. A narrow jaw line completely makes the face seem disproportionate and when filled out with implants, it can match the upper third of the face in a wholesome manner.
In this type, the mandibular implant is placed inside the lower jaw. The incision is made for the implant to be inserted and then the sutures to stitch the site would dissolve in about a week.
Cheek implant – the malar implants are primarily inserted to increase the projection of the cheekbone to make it different and visible from the surrounding plain area. This is usually used to add volume to flat areas. They can be of multiple types: malar, sub-malar and anatomical cheek implants.
The implant material is placed internally (through the upper lip), through an intra-oral route. The sutures needed might be external or internal based on the position of the facial implant.
Chin implants: Chin implants can be used to add width, length and shape to the chin. There are many types of chin implants available, including square jaw implants, round jaw implants and even implants which can create a cleft in the chin.
Paranasal implants. This is an augmentation procedure (a surgical procedure) that concentrates on the paranasal region. This can be used to ease out furrows from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth. By inserting a specially designed implant material into a small incision made inside the mouth, the paranasal region is thickened.
No matter what the type of implant, they all require synthetic materials to be placed deep under the subcutaneous tissue and onto the underlying bone. The implants are fixed to the underlying bone with screws, to prevent them from moving.
Who would go for facial implant surgery?
There are certain times, when one might wish for a facial surgery. The best candidates have the following criteria
- Anyone with congenital defects that cause asymmetry in the face or any other deformity that is hereditary.
- People with weak chins and receding chins to make the jaw line a bit more projecting and stronger – the facial implant surgery might give them improved appearance in profile by a projected, notable chin.
- If one feels their cheekbones are too soft and are not prominent, facial implants in the cheek might enhance and define the fullness of the cheek by augmentation.
- If any other part of the face needs to be set to proportion and needed the contour restored, facial implants are a good option.
Why facial implants?
A facial implant is one of the best solutions to make the face proportional and look great. It can correct deformities and facial asymmetry permanently without the need for repetitive procedures to maintain the same. It does not require any other alteration to any other part of the body (like skin grafting from one part to add volume to the face) and is a really easy procedure. Although certain complications like infection and abnormality can occur if the facial implants are wrongly positioned, they are usually easy processes with very minimal chances of errors.
Facial implants are the new way to enhance beauty. A specialist in the field is Dr. Debraj Shome, who is a trained plastic surgeon who has successfully performed many facial implants and transformed lives of many thousands of patients who prefer him for his excellent treatment methods.