The job of an international patient manager at The Esthetic Clinics, primarily focuses on the requirements of the patient. The profile deals with a whole lot of coordination and facilitation of all required services within the requested time frame, providing for the basic as well as medical needs of the patients, starting right from the time of their arrival and extending up to the time of departure. It is also mandatory to keep the respective embassies updated of the status of the patient’s arrival, expected duration of the stay, place of stay, departure and other essential details in a compliant manner. Contemporarily keeping other authorities involved, informed of the status of the patient’s stay duration, accommodations, and payments are also a part of an international patient manager’s job. Internally it involves effectively managing all the aspects of services needed by a patient while under treatment in the hospital. Providing for concise and accurate oral interpretations accounting for uninterrupted communication, an international patient manager is responsible for developing a positive relationship with the patient, and also with people accompanying him, if there are any. This position is basically responsible for the entire medical management of a patient. This position will plan, organize and direct all the activities of all the processes included in the care plan. Job duties include taking care of and resolving absolutely every issue or concerns either of the patient or their families. Open and consistent communication proves to be of much aid to maintaining a healthy relationship with the people concerned. The manager basically is the sole provider of facility solutions. This work is a continuum of assessing, devising, coordinating, implementing, and monitoring. Medical management consulting, co ordination of care, case management, evaluation are all essential elements of this job.


The first and foremost task is to contact the doctors that have been attending to the patient.  Taking the correct history of any patient should remain the focus for his effective treatment and recovery. After having a general information of the treatment’s do’s and do not’s, the manager has to work alongside with the medical team on what medical advancements will prove effective and what exactly would contribute to the recovery of the patient.


Providing the person concerned with details of the hospital, the facilities for accommodations for his own self and people who are accompanying him, medical procedures used for treatment, surroundings, precisely everything that concerns his experience while on treatment is very much the responsibility of the International patient Manager. This role demands knowledge of what suits, who the best.


This most definitely includes pick up of the people arriving – The patient as well as his/ her attendants. Offering them a warm welcome to an entirely new place to make them feel at home is the first requirement out here. Striving to make sure that their comfort is prioritized is an ongoing responsibility of the patient manager. A welcoming self is often seen to gain trust and that decides just how well the job is performed. This job is concerned with everything it takes to make their medical visit successful.


Dedication to the international patients and their families is what defines how good their stay proves to be. With on time detailing of hotels located within close proximity of the hospital, helping them choose locations, economic suggestions on finances, surroundings and other issues asked are part of a patient manager’s responsibilities.


With the patient’s treatment staying on top of the priority list, the manager also needs to assure to cater to the wishes of the family as well. Listing suggestions on which experiences in the city they could undertake, the manager makes essential arrangements for the family to go about these places. Historical places or some famous locations can make for an exciting time for the people who take the trouble to travel miles to get their family member’s medical treatment done and it also helps to relieve them of the emotional pressure they are going through.


Apart from comfortable arrangements starting with their arrival, treatment processes and recovery of the patient, and a nice comfortable stay coupled with a good time after all the frantic emotions, this job also requires arranging for a great departure experience. The manager has to look after necessary arrangements to be made for a comfortable transport, dropping them off well in time and may be a goodbye note. This goes a log way is building a long-term relationship with the patient as well as the referring hospital/ consultant.


Many international patients make their way to India to get treated by Dr. Debraj Shome, who happens to be one of the best facial, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons in the world. Dr Shome is currently based in Mumbai, India and is co-founder & head of Esthetic Clinics. He is also visiting consultant at many leading hospitals in Mumbai. International patients make a beeline for his consultation and to be operated by him. Most hospitals, where he practices, has International Patient Mangers who take complete care of the visiting patients and ensure every possible comfort.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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